
Are Fireworks Legal in Maine?

By Criminal Defense Lawyer Near Me John Webb Serving Portland ME and Saco, ME

Under Maine Law Title 9-A, the possession, transportation or storage of fireworks other than sparklers, morning glories and paper or plastic caps without a permit can fetch up to $1000 in court fines and a maximum of 6 months in jail, provided the value of the fireworks exceeds $100.

The following products are illegal to sell, use or possess in Maine:

  • Missile-type rockets
  • Helicopters and aerial spinners
  • Sky rockets and bottle rockets

Under U.S. Federal Law the following products are banned in all states including Maine:

  • M-80s
  • Cherry Bombs
  • Larger-style Firecrackers
  • Large, Reloadable Shells
  • Aerial Bombs
  • Mail Order Kits for DIY Fireworks

If your intent is to sell fireworks to the public, you can be fined amounts up to $20,000 and face a 10 year jail sentence (depending on the value of the fireworks). And setting off loud fireworks is one surefire way to attract the unwanted attention of a local police station near me.

As the 4th of July approaches, many revelers will be gearing up to celebrate our nation’s independence with a big family get together, a little backyard grilling, and maybe a game of all-American baseball or two. But there is a more immediate danger – the misuse of dangerous fireworks in the hands of inexperienced people, and possibly intoxicated people. Thus, it’s best to stay away from other people lighting dangerous fireworks and only watch from a safe distance.

The take-home message is this: Don’t party too hard, and especially not with illegal fireworks. Celebrating the USA’s freedom is all well and good, but at the end of the day, it’s better to be able to celebrate your own freedom. If you are asking yourself, “are fireworks legal in Maine?” the answer is that the safer fireworks mentioned above (sparklers, etc..) are legal, but the larger and more dangerous explosives can land you in jail in Portland, ME or Saco. ME which is where I offer my legal services and will give you a free lawyer consultation.

We Are OUI Lawyers in Portland and Saco ME

In Maine you will get arrested for OUI (it’s called DUI in most states) if you are pulled over by law enforcement and the officer determines that your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is over the legal limit for your age group, and for the type of license you hold.

Call today to speak with DUI lawyers near me who offer fee payment plans. Attorney John S. Webb was named by Super Lawyers and Martindale as one of Maine’s Top Criminal Defense Lawyers. His lawyer ratings and attorney ratings are among the best in Maine, and John will travel anywhere in Southern Maine to be by your side at the defense table.

To find out more about which fireworks can be legally purchased in your town call The Webb Law Firm at (207) 283- 6400 anytime, including nights and weekends, and talk to John S. Webb or criminal defense lawyer Vincent LeConte.

Criminal justice attorney John Webb and his other three skilled criminal defense attorneys nearby in southern Maine focus our legal services on criminal defense. In addition to Super Lawyer best criminal attorney John Webb, Vincent LoConte and Nicole Williamson are trained to assert all of your legal rights and raise all viable defenses.

Posted in: DUI